
Personal Details

When you place an order we request your name, address and phone number for order fulfilment and billing purposes only. These details are retained on our database to facilitate any future enquiries and orders, but they are not used for other purposes. We have never and will never sell customer information, nor share it with any third party.

We use secure hosting accounts and other security measures to protect our database and any information provided.

Third Party Intermediaries

We may use outside freight companies to ship your order. Their customer information policy is out of our control, however all are Australian-based companies bound by strict Australian privacy laws.

Tracking & Cookies

Non-identifying information may be used to improve the site or shared with advertisers. For instance, information that is collected regarding traffic to the site or specific pages may be shared, but this will never include any identifying information.

We don’t directly set cookies, but we do run a number of scripts from providers such as Google. Some of these set web browser cookies. Google in particular quietly collects a tremendous amount of data on your browsing habits, and we participate in that data collection.

“Cookies” are data sent to your web browser from a web server (such as Google) that can uniquely identify your computer and store information about user preferences. Most web browsers will accept cookies by default, but they can be set to reject cookies, either from all websites or from specific sites. You can also manually delete cookies from your web browser. These options are generally set through a “Privacy” setting in your browser setup.


We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we live and dance, the Darug and Gundungurra peoples, their Elders past, present and emerging.